About Us
The owner:
Ledis discovered a taste for the industry when she started her own business in Cuba, her country of origin, when she was only 19 years old, consolidating her knowledge in Spain for almost 18 years as manager of her brother's family business between wedding exhibitions in Madrid, Barcelona. Valencia, between dressmakers and designers, creating events and runways.
If you ask me what do you think about what you do?
Ledis says, I love what I do and the client is my passion.
if you ask me how I describe myself ?
I love peace, good education and nature, consider myself a defender of the autonomy of women, where we depend on our desire, effort and achievements and the blessings that God gives us to achieve what we propose.
With these ideals we like to prepare our team so that our company is a flash of good energy that will reach you a little on your big day.
With love
- Ledis